Monday, January 2, 2012



As we turn around another corner, i can't help but think what a year it has been! This has been a life changing year for me in more ways than one. An irreplaceable loss, a vacuum that will never get filled changed my life forever. I lost my father. Though he's not with me anymore, i can feel his presence everyday, every waking hour and the second life changing experience has lots to do with him. I don't know about others, but i can say one thing for sure that in his passing on, he gave me the greatest gift. The courage to spread my wings and fly on my own.

The last few months have been crazy. Sitting on the fence not knowing whether or not to take the plunge, has been the most difficult phase. It's not easy to kick up a well paying full time job to chase ones dream not knowing what's in store for the future. Having made the choice, can say one thing for sure, the high of doing your own thing and getting recognised for ones efforts, is the ultimate high. It can't get better than this!

Life is full of choices and it is up to us what we make of it. Whether we want to brood over a loss or celebrate it, entirely depends on the individual. I choose to celebrate my fathers passing by working hard and making him proud. It was he, who first let me chase my dream. When i refused to walk the beaten path of medicine and engineering and chose food instead. He stood by me and it's my turn now to give it back to him. The other person who has played such an important role, is my husband, Anamitra. For having stood by me and giving me the opportunity. He has been my pillar of strength. In the 21st century the roles have reversed a bit i would say, instead of a woman behind a man, for me it has been the other way around and i cannot be thankful enough.

Choices like these, not only affect you but people around you as well. I have been extremely fortunate. Everyone has a calling, i'm glad i found mine early on in life. What's yours?


  1. Follow your heart. It may be the difficult choice, but correct choices are never easy. Take care. My wishes.


  2. Ma'am..I saw your FB page..i must say i am totally bowled over by your creativity...I just had one question popping in my mind going through all your pictures---If I could get some form of training under your guidance...or can I work with you over the weekends or even on weekdays in the evening (I am a Consultant so will have office during the daytime) your cakes are truly a work of art...Ma'am i shall look forward to your reply..Thank you

